David & Energyworks
"Before the Green Doctor came out to see me I felt like everything was upside down and I didn’t know what was what."
David, aged 63 from Bury

“Before the Green Doctors came out to see me I felt like everything was upside down and I didn’t know what was what. I was having massive issues with my energy supplier but found it hard to deal with.
The Green Doctor has been to see me loads and she has helped me a lot. She has switched my gas supplier which will save me £176 a year, and referred me for central heating which will help me keep warmer in winter.
I now have proper heat for the first time in years and I had a hot bath after it was installed and it was wonderful. I would be in a much worse state if she wasn’t helping me. She still checks in on me and I can call her if I need anything.
Getting this central heating has also motivated me to do other jobs around the house. The whole house is now warm and even the dog is happier.
I feel a lot better now, The Green Doctors have made a massive difference to my life”