Green Community Hub in Greater Manchester

Green, open spaces provide the perfect backdrop for people from different walks of life to meet and socialise. When we come together, we discover what we have in common and are often able to work together to make our neighbourhoods even better places to live. Whether our ambition is to connect with neighbours, get more active or improve our employment opportunities, Green Community Hubs provide a social space where communities can collaborate; developing activities and projects which respond to local aspirations.

We want to empower more communities to develop Green Community Hubs in their neighbourhoods, and are actively working in several locations providing to support to communities who have requested it.

By doing so we aspire to see more communities in Greater Manchester:

  • Feel more connected and have good relationships with their neighbours
  • Have access to the services and support they need
  • Have increased knowledge, skills, and resilience to make change
  • Feel healthier in their own physical and mental wellbeing
  • Have a greater appetite for action on climate change and biodiversity loss

What does Groundwork do?

Communities have lots of skills, knowledge and resources but sometimes need a helping hand bringing their ideas to life, or benefit from working with organisations and agencies that can provide more technical support. This is where Groundwork can help.

Our teams help:

  • Connect communities with each other so they can their share expertise & resources
  • Connect them with organisations who can help
  • Improve their confidence and belief in their own abilities to make things happen
  • Provide learning and training opportunities – both informal and formal
  • Provide technical advice on topics including greenspace design, climate change, energy efficiency and employment

The Northern Network

Residents planting in a Green Community Hub

The Northern Network is a transformational new movement, led by Groundwork, connecting Green Community Hubs across the North of England.

New sensory garden in West Gorton

West Gorton Park opening their sensory garden

After 6 months of hard work, the Friends of West Gorton Community Park officially opened their new sensory garden. 

Colin’s Story

Colin posing in a green space

For Colin, volunteering at his local community garden has not only benefitted his mental health, but completely transformed his life.