Dear Partners, 

We are sad to say we are coming to the end of three years delivering holistic support to refugees and migrants in London. We will be wrapping up our delivery of services and sessions by the end of November 2023. Our innovative and community driven approach has resulted in highly successful refugee and migrant programmes. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during our delivery time. Together we have achieved so much for our communities, supporting them through their journeys and helping participants overcome challenges and barriers and feel a sense of security and hope. Through the delivery of our services and sessions we have enabled positive changes to take place and help people regain control of their lives and rebuild a future in the UK. 

We have developed a detailed signposting package for project participants which you will find below. If you would like any further guidance on this please let us know. 

We also want to let you know that we will be continuing to fund sessions for Hong Kong British Nationals Overseas until March 2024 so please get in touch for more information or referrals via:

Once again, thank you on behalf of the whole team at Groundwork London to help make the project successful. 

If you have any questions please contact Rupal Shah: 

Signposting Resources

Groundwork London have created a brochure for our IMPACT and Together South community who will be moving on from our services. This brochure includes information about services and organisations accessible across London.

This resource pack is organised by theme, and you will be able to find all the support you need from a wide range of organisations.

We hope that you will find this a helpful resource.

Together South works to support refugees and non-EU migrants in South London, helping them to connect with and thrive in their communities by providing English language lessons, employment advice and community activities. All activities the programme offers are free of charge.

Together South is part of Groundwork’s TOGETHER programme, a collection of projects delivered by Groundwork London and Groundwork South which support refugees and non-EU migrants to settle into life in the UK.

We also run the TOGETHER South programme in Hastings & Rother and Kent.

The programme has been developed and is now being implemented by Groundwork through the support of the EU Asylum, migration & integration fund (AMIF) until December 2023.


The map below shows which parts of London are served by each of our TOGETHER projects. Click on your borough to find out contact information for each project.


Click the map to find out if Bitenge or Josh is your Borough’s point of contact.

Contact Bitenge:
Mobile: 07946480176

Contact Joshua:
Mobile: 07912 274 858

Focus Areas:

The aim of the programme is to support refugees and non-EU migrants in South London boroughs to integrate into UK society by focusing on 3 key areas:

  • LANGUAGE: Conversational English language support will help participants to communicate more easily with UK citizens, and access services.
  • CULTURE: Refugees and migrants will take part in community activities alongside UK citizens to promote intercultural understanding.
  • PREPARATION FOR WORK: Participants will be offered employable skills training, careers advice and pastoral care via Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG).


Please note, referrals have now closed in London as this project is coming to a close at the end of 2023. Contact our team at if you have any questions or refer to our statement above.

We have provided a detailed signposting resource with information to other services that you can access above too.

Case Studies:

Check out our participant’s stories below:

Other Projects

The Together programme has launched a new service supporting Afghan evacuees living in bridging accommodation in London as well as the Afghan refugee communities living across London.

This service supports members of the Afghan community with their emotional wellbeing needs, English language, digital skills, creative activities and employment advice.