Designing Moorland Primary School’s Grounds To Be More Flood Resistant
We worked with Business in the Community, Arup and United Utilities to develop a series of sustainable drainage solutions at Moorland Primary School in Sale.
In addition, we developed an economic model to show the costs, direct financial savings and wider benefits of SuDS in schools.
Groundwork provided contractors and oversight of the construction phase to implement partners design proposals.
Rain Gardens
Five rain gardens were constructed on the site, each are designed to temporarily store rainwater which then soaks into the existing sandy loam soil. Each rain garden is also able to accommodate a 1 in 10 year storm event.
Downpipes from classroom roofs run into fluted drainage channels in the rain garden, diverting surface water from the sewer system. Plants were selected specifically to cope with the extreme conditions, as well as reflecting the school house colours. Maintenance was considered too, using mulching to suppress weeds and to maintain moisture during dry periods. Lastly, stepping stones were integrated into the design, providing an opportunity for school children to interact and play within the garden space.
Permeable Car Park
In addition to the rain garden, we also undertook a SuDS trial in the car park of Moorland Primary School. An area of tarmac was replaced with permeable block paving, designed for car and emergency vehicle loading values, to reduce the amount or surface water entering the sewer system.
SUDs outcomes
The SuDS features installed at the school are estimated to remove 905m2 rainwater per year, leading to an annual saving of £1,475!
Being a part of the SuDS project has provided opportunities for our children to be part of something that will benefit their future developing world. As a school, we have looked more closely at our environment, how we use it and how we can preserve it for the future. As a school, we gain financially, in our emotional well-being and it is a huge boost to the local ecosystem.
Alison Kelly, Head Teacher, Moorlands Primary School
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