Duration: December 2026


Groundwork Greater Manchester are one of five charities working with Salford CVS and Salford City Council on the Learning, Skills & Work programme across Salford. Elevate Salford is funded by the Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation to support, train and prepare people furthest from the job market to pursue their dreams to gain skills and employment.

One to one coaching as part of Elevate Salford

What we’re doing

Groundwork Greater Manchester will undertake keywork and assessments for Salford residents who have a criminal record, are care experienced, have a history of substance abuse or are a veteran.

The people we work with with will be able to access different interventions from Groundwork, as listed below, as well as those of the core Elevate Salford charity partners; Mustard Tree, Salford Foundation, Salford Loaves & Fishes and The Broughton Trust.

Key Worker Support

For each learner enrolled on the programme following completion of assessment by Groundwork Key Worker, we will deliver a person led programme of intensive coaching and mentoring to enable each person to complete activities and achieve personal goals detailed within their personal development plan. Work will focus on addressing individual barriers, both real and perceived, building confidence, self esteem and motivation, and connecting people with relevant training, personal development and other interventions provided by Groundwork / project partners or other providers, to enable them to progress into work or other appropriate destination.

Working Wardrobe

We currently run a mobile Working Wardrobe service which provides a personal styling appointment for a person with a job interview to select full interview outfit followed by intensive interview coaching session. People successful at interview can also select a capsule wardrobe of clothing to start their new job with. This service will be available for all programme beneficiaries who need it, we will just need pop up space at partner premises to deliver the appointment. We can also deliver the service as an integral element of partner  employability skills courses.

Money Management Skills

Delivery of money management skills training, using curriculum and resources we originally developed for care leavers, delivered as a group course or through 121 sessions for people who struggle with group settings.

Vocational Training Courses

We will provide short vocational and / or pre employment training courses either bespoke for this provision, or funded through our AEB contract or similar. Course subjects include L1 Health & safety in construction environment / Level 2 Health and Safety at Work, First aid and other industry specific health and safety courses, Carbon Literacy and other environmental training options, preparation for work generally including work in construction, retrofit and other green jobs.

Working in Green Economy

IAG and awareness raising activities specifically related to working within the green economy e.g. retrofit, waste, energy, natural environment

Operation RE: Org: Support for Veterans

We deliver a specialist employment and support service for armed forces veterans, particularly vulnerable veterans – we can provide specialist IAG and signposting for any veterans involved in the programme including ensuring they can access full range of support that veterans are entitled to.

Work Placements / Volunteering

Facilitation of work / volunteering placements in the environmental sector as well as organisation of work placements with other employment sectors.

Energyworks Service

Any beneficiary experiencing problems with fuel poverty can access support from our Energyworks Advice Team – they can visit property and help with dealing with financial problems relating to energy bills including provision of fuel vouchers, provide advice around ways to save energy in the home including installing a range of energy saving measures. They can also link people up with access to current government initiatives relating to energy.

Find out more

For more information about Elevate Salford contact Chris Grieve, Senior Trainer & Veterans Project Co-ordinator via email at Chris.Grieve@groundwork.org.uk

Funders & Partners