A young person (Max) in his construction uniform, smiling with his mentor.

Max took part in the Construction Workforce, where he gained valuable experience, skills and confidence. He now has a bright future and even wants to progress onto other trades.

When Max enrolled on the construction workforce programme, his mental health, confidence and self-belief was at an all-time low. At the beginning of the programme, he and his employment coach, Stephanie, began by working on his self-esteem and confidence, once they were past that, Max really got stuck in and thrived.

“I thought it would help me gain experience, I thought it would help me change my life, and it has”

Max’s mental health has now improved drastically. He is in a full time role with Willmott Dixon, where feedback from them has been positive.

“The team are lovely. Anytime that I need help with anything or I have a question they’re always there to help and answer. The jobs given me a lot of experience and a wide range of opportunities”

Watch the full video here: