Empty home in need of retrofitting services

Groundwork has been delivering a Housing Refurbishment programme for over 12 years; our construction team bring empty homes back into use, whilst simultaneously training people with the green skills needed to start a career in the construction sector.

The need to retrofit

There are over 12,590 empty homes in the city region and, as most void properties lack any energy efficiency measures, Groundwork see this as an opportunity to create warm and affordable homes through retrofitting, whilst simultaneously reducing carbon and providing job opportunities.

Our experience

Green skills & jobs

Groundwork delivers traineeships which prepare young people for their future careers by helping them to become ‘work ready’. We provide the essential work preparation training and work experience, making sure the young person is ready for an Apprenticeship or job.

However, the unique part of Groundwork’s Housing Refurbishment programme is the fact that participants gain real, hands-on experience during the course, moving quickly from the classroom to refurbishing a void property.

As well as basic skills in carpentry, plastering and tiling, our Housing Refurbishment employment programme includes retrofitting skills including draught proofing, insulation, and sustainable construction practices. This prepares young participants with the skills and experience they will need for the retrofitting revolution in our near future.

Team member retrofitting a home with loft insulation

Groundwork GM – Work with us

Please complete this form is you’re an organisation looking to work, or partner, with Groundwork Greater Manchester:
