(06 November 2023)
Groundwork East has been undertaking several Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation (BLCF) funded projects across Luton. The first of these has been a programme of events at the Community Food Hub in Luton Hoo Memorial Park. The programme has included wild play sessions for families with young children making bird masks using natural materials, doing treasure hunts and making houses for fairies to come and live in the garden.
There have also been hugely popular sessions for home-educated children, centred on gardening, conservation and crafts. So far children have undertaken a wide array of activities such as planting flower bulbs plus onions and garlic to over-winter, making bug hotels and butterfly feeders, and getting crafty, for example making decorations with clay or painting bird feeders made out of recycled milk cartons.
We have also been working with young people to maintain their mental health, as well as for young carers in the region. These have been enjoyed by all, and participants have added lots of colour to the garden, creating bird feeders, painting wooden decorations and planting a new herb garden.
Finally, we have developed sessions for SEN schools to come and enjoy the Community Food Hub garden and get hands on, for example planting bulbs and flowers. Still to come are more of the sessions above, plus free family-learning courses called Grow It, Cook It, Share It, where participants undertake gardening activities and learn how to prepare healthy meals.
If you are interested in participating in any of the above activities, please email laura.ferrier@groundwork.org.uk.