GLA Grants- Stronger Communities Fund
Grants of £2,000 to £10,000 for projects that encourage social integration between different groups through physical activity.

Applications are now closed.
GLA Grants – Stronger Communities Fund
Grants of £2,000 to £10,000 for projects that reduce social isolation and loneliness through physical activity
The final round of Stronger Communities funding will support sport and physical activity projects tackling increased levels of loneliness and social isolation that have spiked due to the COVID-19 lockdown and social distancing measures. Grants are aimed at those who find it hard to access funding – for example, individuals and small grassroots organisations.
We will give priority to:
- Projects that work with Londoners who have been disproportionately more at risk of loneliness and isolation during COVID-19 such as (but not exclusively): deaf and disabled people or those with long-term health conditions, people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities, parents with young children, people on lower incomes, and those with limited access to digital technology and the internet.
- Groups that already have strong connections in their communities and can reach and connect with people at high risk of loneliness and social isolation;
- Smaller organisations and individuals, who typically find it hard to access funding.
Project Criteria
You can apply for grants of between £2,000 and £10,000, and we are interested in funding a range of grant sizes.
All successful projects will need to be delivered between November 2020 and February 2021. All project activity must be completed by 14 February 2021 and final reports submitted by 1 March 2021.
We will fund project delivery taking place both online and in-person, but we would like to see the majority of the funding being used to deliver in-person socially distanced sport and physical activities.
Applicants will need to show how they will deliver against the latest government guidelines, and what robust social distancing and safeguarding measures they have in place. These resources are available to help you develop your project:
- Sports Unites Socially Distanced Sport Toolkit
- Mayor of London / London Sport ‘Talking COVID-19 and Sport’ webinar on Socially Distanced Sport
- London Sport COVID-19 sport-specific guidance published by National Governing Bodies (NGBs)
- Sport England ‘Return to Play’ resources including inclusion and accessibility guidelines
- Public Health England (PHE) COVID-19 guidance
How to Apply
Groundwork London welcomes alternative application methods such as video or sound entries for questions concerning project description. Individuals and non-constituted groups can apply, with references being submitted.
You can find out if your idea meets the funding criteria by taking the eligibility checker below, which will lead through to the application form if your idea is eligible.
Take a look at the below documents for help filling out your application form:
For more detailed information on the Stronger Communities Fund click below
Background to Stronger Communities Fund
Deadlines for Applying
Applications are now closed.
If you have any questions regarding the Stronger Communities Fund please contact Groundwork on 0207 239 1390 or
Groundwork is administering a number of grant schemes on behalf of the Greater London Authority (GLA) to help London become an even greater city in which to live and work.