Physical health and mental wellbeing are a part of a thread that runs through all GNEC projects. We will provide a holistic community approach to improve experiences for people and the environment they live in which we will do by enhancing community green spaces, connecting people, reducing isolation, improving skills and giving people a sense of purpose.

“Coming to the allotment on a Tuesday has helped me meet new friends and provided really good company and a safe group where I can share and support others. The gardening element has allowed me to become more active.” 

“All of the group love coming to the garden to learn new skills, feel included and useful. They enjoy creating and building  and seeing progress in their  work” 


The Greenlinks programme addresses social isolation and loneliness amongst people presenting memory problems (undiagnosed and diagnosed dementia) and their carers. Activities are based around horticulture, green exercise and other activities, encouraging people to connect with nature.

Bellburn Ladies’ Shed

The Ladies’ Shed provides women with a safe space to improve their mental health and well-being and feel part of a community. The ladies involved take part in gardening and creative crafts at an allotment site in Bellburn, Darlington.