This page brings together a range of teaching resources and lesson plans on a range of sustainability and environment-based topics.  Browse our collection of resources designed on reducing food waste, sustainability and inspiring pupil creativity in outdoor learning and well-being as they explore their own ‘naturehood’ themed on topics.

Yes to Taste, No to Waste

Food Waste Workshops

This activity pack contains three key messages: 

  1. Food waste prevention 
  2. Recycling food waste 
  3. Healthy and sustainable eating

Produced by Groundwork London, as part of the Small Change, Big Change, the ‘Yes to Taste, No to Waste’ activity pack was commissioned by EU LIFE as part of the TRiFOCAL in partnership with WRAP and LWARB.

The pack has been designed as a 5-week project, to fit into a half term. However, each lesson could be delivered as a stand-alone session.  

The pack contains five unique session plans (with session 4, the campaign event, offering 3 options depending on school preference). Each session has accompanying resources which are individually colour coded along with the resources for easy navigation. Please feel free to share this pack with other teachers and schools; it’s freely available and downloadable because our aim is to share learning far and wide.

Download this activity pack below:

Yes to Taste. No to Waste.

Making Space for Nature

Educational Activity Pack

Stemming from the unique programme in Thamesmead London, this pack contains six weekly curriculum-based activity worksheets. These will inspire pupil creativity whilst encouraging outdoor learning and well-being as they explore their own ‘naturehood’. 

The pack connects local pupils with the greening of land and water spaces. Activities will cover the following themes, curriculum links and activities: 

  1. Where on Earth am I? (Geography: Mapping) 
  2. Natural treasures (Biology) 
  3. I see a tree, what do you see? (History) 
  4. Nature treasure hunt (Geography) 
  5. Make my space for nature (PSHE, Art) 
  6. If trees could talk (Art & Literacy) 
  7. Additional optional activity: Planting and growing (Biology) – recommended for upper key stage 2 classes.

It was produced by Groundwork London, and commissioned by EU as part of the CLEVER Cities programme in partnership with Peabody and the Mayor of London.

Making Space for Nature* is an exciting education programme where pupils will engage with nature on their doorstep.

Download each activity worksheet below.

Activities Overview

Activity 1: Where on earth am I?

Activity 2: Natural treasures

Activity 3: I see a tree, what do you see?

Activity 4: Nature treasure hunt

Activity 5: Make my space for nature

Activity 6: If trees could talk

Activity 7 (optional activity for upper key stage 2 classes: Planting and growing

Urban Nature Challenge

Outdoor Worksheets

This pack contains five worksheets designed to get pupils outside and exploring their local area. Activities will cover the following themes, curriculum links and activities: 

  1. Urban Nature (Geography)
  2. Peace and Quiet (Mental Health and Wellbeing)
  3. Natural Treasures (PSHE) 
  4. Natural Treasures (Biology)
  5. Grow your Own (Biology)

It was produced by Groundwork London, and commissioned by Lottery Community Fund as part of the Our Bright Future programme.

Download each activity worksheet below.

Activity 1: Urban nature

Activity 2: Peace and Quiet

Activity 3: Natural treasures

Activity 4: Natural Treasures

Activity 5: Grow your own


AIR QUALITY – My Naturehood Air Quality Trail

Pupils learn about positive and negative impacts on air quality and explore those impacts in their own neighbourhood. Suitable for KS2 pupils.

Air Quality Lesson Pack

Air Quality Assembly Powerpoint


Culture Club is a primary education resource exploring the cultural heritage and traditions of refugees living in London. Made by teachers for teachers, this pack links to the national primary school curriculum, enabling pupils from ages 4-11 to discover the joys of various cultures through videos, storytelling, crafts and recipes from different backgroundsWhether pupils are home-learning or in the classroom, Culture Clubs takes students on a journey of cultural experiences from the kitchen to the garden.

The pack hopes to broaden the minds of youth today, opening their eyes to the various cultures of many refugees that now reside in the UK, while helping to develop a cohesive and accepting environment where different communities can come together and share their traditions and values.

Download our free pack today and take your students on an exciting journey!

Click here to download Culture Club (short pack) 

Culture Club Resources

We also delivered a webinar for teachers to learn about the the activities in pack and how it can be used in schools. Don’t worry if you missed it! You can still watch the recorded version of the webinar.

Click here to watch the Culture Club Teacher’s Webinar

Thank you for your insightful webinar on Culture Club and refugees in London. I am seeking to diversify our curriculum, and this is perfect.

– Teacher

Below you will find all the Culture Club resources that are part of the Culture Club Curriculum pack.
Optional Activities:

Click here to download the Optional Activities 

Fatima’s Story:

Adela’s Garden:

The Merchant, the Parrot and the Flying Carpet:


Funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and produced by Groundwork London.

National Lottery Heritage Fund Logo

Supported by

This project is part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Making management of migration flows more efficient across the European Union.