Ducks on a river bank

Daisy detective
Close up of daisies

Notice similarities and differences between the things around you by detecting and collecting daisies and dandelions.

Water patterns
Cildren playing, making shapes with water on the groud

Make patterns with water! Brighten up your driveway or pavement! Who can draw the best design?

child running next to a wall feeling daffodils

Use your sense to explore the world around you! What sounds, shapes, colours, smells, and textures, can you discover?

Shuffle bottom
child sitting on the ground smiling

Can you get from one point to another without standing up? How will you do it?! Try different ways to move around!

Smelly cocktails
Child smelling a rose

Make your own smelly cocktail using the things you find in nature. There are lots of smelly things so be sure to test them all!

Muddy faces
Pressing mud onto a tree to make shapes

Use mud or clay to create faces that you can leave on trees for others to see! What does it feel like on your hands?!

Wildlife detective
Child holding a bug collector

Let’s turn detective! Use your super detective skills to find out which creatures have been in the area near you.

Play dough pals
a rainbow made out of play dough

Grab your playdough or clay and make the things you see! Will it be a plant or creature you see, or can you make something new!

Mud prints
Hands in mud!

Use mud to make your own natural paint, and create a piece of artwork! How much mess can you make?!

Stoney story
Coloured stones balanced on top of each other

Create a story with stones as your characters! Who are they, where do they live, and what do they do?

Have a look at all of our seasons for more activities! How many can you do?!

close up of blackberries on a bush
red berries on a bush covered in snow
Bluebell wood