Adding value to the work communities already undertake, we develop skills and capacity to help address issues faced in neighbourhoods both today and in the future. By strengthening community connections and support networks, our activities focus on connecting more people with nature and and climate, creating communities who are resilient and responsive to a changing climate.

We support established, developing & new community groups in Greater Manchester and in neighbourhoods which have been ‘left behind’, face multiple challenge or are impacted most by the climate emergency.

We work with communities at a neighbourhood level, helping them create a vision for where they live and supporting them to bring their ideas to life.

Our team specialise in:

Why is our support needed?

Provide support where it’s needed the most

According to the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2019 study, 23% of neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester are IMD category 1, meaning many communities face multiple challenges, including high unemployment, social isolation, food poverty, fuel poverty and ill health.

Improve health & wellbeing

The natural environment supports the health of our population; providing healthy air, a space to connect with others and the opportunity to escape the stress of everyday life. Here at Groundwork Greater Manchester, we echo the World Health Organisation’s and Natural England’s recommendation that every person should live within 300m of a natural greenspace. 

Mitigate the effects of climate change

Tragically, those who contribute the least to climate change are those who are effected the most. We work with communities to develop solutions which reduce the impact of extreme weather events caused by climate change.

Two girls at Youth Club
Reduce inequalities in access to greenspace

When it comes to publicly accessible green space, almost 40% of people from ethnic minority backgrounds live in the most greenspace deprived areas, compared to 14% of White people.

A few stories from the communities we work with: