East of England

Patrick McGeough

I have been working in the Disability, Leisure, Dance and Movement sector for over 15 years with the last ten primarily focused on using Dance and Movement as a tool to drive positive change in the local community.

I am incredibly passionate about community learning and advocate for its ability to transform lives and remove and challenge barriers to ensure equal understanding and access for all of the disability community. As a power wheelchair user, I want to ensure that every disabled individual has the opportunity to be who they want to be and access the same opportunities as other individuals within the community.

My voluntary work has provided me with a fantastic opportunity to continue helping a diverse range of community groups made possible by harnessing the power and popularity of professional Ballroom and Latin Dance and other dance and movement styles.

I am excited to join Groundwork East as a Trustee and use my knowledge within the Charity, Disability, Sports, Movement and Dance Sectors to open more opportunities to make a difference in the community that Groundwork East work with; to empower local communities to take charge of their lives, green spaces, and local environments.

Patrick became a Trustee for Groundwork East in October 2022.

Patrick is a member of the Quality & Compliance Sub-committee group.