Home Plus is an independent energy advisory service that offers a whole lot more. Aimed at enabling and maintaining independent living through improving health at home. We help to prevent falls and cold related health conditions. See below if you know someone who may qualify for our scheme.
Who is Home Plus for?
Home Plus service is for people whose Council tax bill comes from Leeds City Council and who;
- Maybe at serious risk of falling
- Are struggling to heat their home, or to pay heating bills
- Need help with repairs that are causing a hazard in their home
- Need free energy independent energy advice
- Need information and advice to maintain independence
What does Home Plus provide?
- Comprehensive home assessment to identify client needs
- Rail and equipment to reduce the risk of and prevent falls
- Servicing and repairs to heating and hot water systems
- Help changing to the cheapest energy deal
- Free energy saving equipment and advice
- Draught proofing and insulation measures
- Assistance with repairs that are causing a hazard (home owners)
- Identifying, assessing and reporting housing repairs (tenants)
- Advice and support on issues such as a change in housing or financial circumstances, bereavement or increasing care needs
Who qualifies for the service?
If you are aged 18 years or over and able to tick at least one box in Group A and one box in Group B, you will qualify for an assessment and we may be able to help with falls prevention equipment.
If there is someone you know who may benefit from these services, please contact our team.
Phone: 0113 240 6009 (Mon – Fri from 09:00 – 17:00 & Tuesdays from 10:30 – 17.00)
Email: homeplus@care-repair-leeds.org.uk
The Home Plus (Leeds) service is working in partnership with Groundwork Green Doctor team, Care & Repair Leeds and Age UK Leeds